Hi There,
I’m Sarah-Jane Smith. I’m a multi-business owner with multiple chronic health conditions and I’m on a mission to help other disabled and chronically ill people to build and start their own businesses. I’m often housebound for long periods and suffer with fatigue, brain fog, vertigo and insomnia as well as pain and joint stiffness. I know what its like to live a life when you’re never going to be well but I also know that it doesn’t have to stop you from having a joyful, fulfilling and prosperous life.
When I first got sick I didn’t deal with it very well. I was angry at the the unfairness of it. I know how difficult it can be when you don’t know what your capabilities are going to be from one day to another. I know how difficult it can be when your world shrinks and it feels like you are alone. I also know that you can turn all of it around. I enjoy more artistic success and financial success than ever before and I would even go so far as to say I’m happier than I’ve ever been. If you want more from life besides your disability or chronic condition I can help you. What turned it around for me was my home-based businesses. I’ve been self employed for over 25 years and I’ve been through many of the ups and downs of business ownership. I have qualifications in small business management and I am a certified business Strategist.
I know its not easy when you struggle with pain, fatigue, mental health and mobility issues. It can be difficult to network when you’re housebound but I can help you with all of that. Maybe you had to give up your career and you worry about what the future will hold. I think business ownership suits housebound, disabled and chronically ill people for so many reasons. You can tailor your work around your own needs, you can find purpose, self-confidence and community, plus, you can improve your financial security and take control of your own future. What’s not to love! Let me help you!
I was beyond excited to have my first full article published in the American Publication ’Imagine the World as One’ or IWO for short. My article on disability and entrepreneurship was featured in issue of five of the publication which is devoted to disability lifestyle. If you’d like to read the full article you can find it online here - 'Imagine The World as One I’d love to know what you think!